Painting in the time of corona , aprile 2020 / April 2020
104 x 69 cm (h x w)
grafite e acquerello su carta / graphite and watercolor on paper

In alto / Top: Painting in the time of Corona, 1-April-2020, Lockdown-day-8 ; In basso / Bottom: Painting in the time of Corona, 4-April-2020, Lockdown-day-11

Artista indiana.
Il ciclo di dipinti “Painting in the time of Corona”, composto da trentotto quadri realizzati in altrettanti giorni di lockdown, affronta il tema dell’angoscia esistenziale provata dagli individui privati delle loro consuete forme relazionali. “Painting in the Time of Corona” presenta le grandi contraddizioni del nostro tempo esacerbate dall’emergenza in corso, attraverso il dark humor tipico dell’artista.

I contenuti e le riproduzioni delle opere sono inseriti nel percorso a fini esclusivamente didattici e scientifici e non possono essere riutilizzati a nessun titolo.

Indian artist.
The cycle of paintings “Painting in the time of Corona”, composed of thirty-eight paintings made in as many days of lockdown, addresses the theme of existential anguish experienced by individuals deprived of their usual relations. “Painting in the Time of Corona” presents the great contradictions of our time exacerbated by the current emergency, through the dark humor typical of the artist.

The contents and reproductions of the works are thought for exclusively educational and scientific purposes and their use for any other reason is forbidden.

Exposé par :

IULM University

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Painting in the time of corona , aprile 2020 / April 2020
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IULM University
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