Fantastic Fungi Fractal , 2020
12 x 12 in (h x w)
240 USD
Prismacolor Pencils on Charcoal Paper
for sale


"This painting was created by first constructing a sacred geometric gird with compass and ruler. Soon after I envisioned two very beneficial mushrooms, Turkey Tail and Psilocybin mushrooms, fitting beautifully into the geometric forms.
As a sacred geometer, visionary artist and mandala artist, I often enjoy combining those elements into my artwork. I wanted to portray the feeling of going deeply within.
I was excited and inspired to be a part of the Vision Train Mushroom Challenge. I have deep appreciation and love for the mushroom kingdom, Their many varieties and healing qualities are so beneficial, some giving us more energy, some helping to improve our memory and others giving our immunity a boost. Studies have shown that the psilocybin in mushrooms may be an effective chemical for treating post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety and other mushrooms have been found beneficial in cleaning toxic sites."

CoSM Chapel of Sacred Mirrors

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ViTra Academy

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