Amir, Indonesia

Amir and his counterparts carried out an attack on a series of hotels in Jakarta on July 17, 2009. He was eventually caught and incarcerated for his involvement. He is now an active member of his community, rebuilding trust and advocating against violent groups.

Indonesia has a diverse conflict landscape that spans Aceh, Ambon, Northern Maluku and Poso. It has also been home to several violent extremist groups, from Darul Islam to Jemaah Islamiyah (JI). Members of JI were convicted in 2008 for their role in the 2002 Bali Bombings. The group also has historical links with Al-Qaeda and networks in both Indonesia and Malaysia. A number of its leaders fought or trained in Afghanistan.

Some Indonesians have travelled to Syria and to the Philippines, drawn by the idea of a caliphate and a sense of righteousness in fighting what they see as threats to Islam. Sustained efforts by the Indonesia government has significantly contained JI and have prevented (or inhibited) IS-linked groups from exploiting old networks of violent extremist groups. At this time, extremist violence is at its lowest ebb in Indonesia.

The country ranks 35th on the 2019 Global Terrorism Index. Only two people per million Muslims in Indonesia left home to fight with IS in the Middle East.

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UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub, Preventing Violent Extremism
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UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub, Preventing Violent Extremism