Nurtura, digital collage from 64Dakini Oracle , 2010
46 x 69 x 3 in (h x w x d)
Digital Collage

Part of Penny Slingers 2010 divination modality the 64Dakini Oracle, Nurtura has come to this exhibition to bestow her oracular message onto to all whom gaze upon her and read further:

She is an Earth goddess, bringing the waters of life to nourish the creatures of Earth.

Who is Nurtura?
She is the Dakini that nurtures. Nurtura sits in the Garden of Original Innocence as the Lady of Beasts. In ancient Greek mythology Diane of Ephimus was represented as a multi breasted Goddess and there is also a relationship to Artemis. However Nurtura does not carry the aspect of the huntress. She represents the original Eden where communication between all beings was natural and freely given and received. As mankind separated themselves from the creatures and created walls of fear and domination, so this bond diminished. Nurtura is here to remind us of the sacred ways and re-forge the sacred connection. In one of the lives of Buddha, he was an animal who sacrificed himself to feed others.
Her location and sphere of influence
All wild places where there are animals.
Her allies
Deer & all baby animals
Nature & Description of DakinI
Nurtura is depicted in a pastoral verdant landscape, a picture of earthly paradise, a New Eden. She is the protectress of the animal kingdom and we see her nurturing in action. She is multi breasted to represent her qualities and her ability to nurture all creatures. Her hands reach out to welcome and stroke, to offer food, succor, love and connection. Many small animals suckle at her breasts and nest below her. She can pacify the wild beast and the lion lies down with the

lamb. Her feet below seem to dissolve into the earth and are covered in worms and insects who feed on their decomposition. This represents the cycle of natural life, where nothing in nature is wasted. The death of one life form becomes the nurturance of another. There is no waste, and Nurtura holds them all, they all feed from her, in the flowing milk of life, and in her body of decay. She is crowned with staghorns, antlers, representing her deer energy. In ancient rites the antlers were worn by the ‘Lord of the Beasts’. Our Lady of the Beasts wears them as an emblem of her connection to the Tree of Life, which they reach up into and become. The tree is full of creatures which are all part of the circle of life. She relates to the deer, its gentleness and unconditional love, its readiness to sacrifice itself for the good of all. Nurtura focuses her energy on the realm, of animals in particular, the creatures of our planet. She offers unconditional love and sustenance to them all. She hears the call of the wild. She is the call of the wild, the call of the world.

Divinatory Meaning
Nurtura has presented herself to you. Are you in need of nurturing?
Do you need to nurture others more?
Strangely enough, the two are not separate. Nurtura is here to embody this principle, the very principle underlying the sustainability of life.
Nurtura offers herself to you to feed and nurture you with her presence. She is part of all creatures and all are part of her. The Goddess feels everything that happens to all living things. Let this glyph re-awaken your memories of ‘How Things Are’. Release yourself from the myth of separation and the tales told to lull us into complicity and dull our sensitivities, tales that say that animals have no spirits, no souls. Nurtura asks us to listen to the voice of the animal kingdom, to know that we are all part of one family, the family of being. Such small differences genetically and biologically distinguish us from the other mammals, from all living, breathing, sentient beings. We all feel. Re-establish communication and trust with the blessed creatures who share our earthwalk. Many experience the special connection they have with a pet. Do you really believe the pet is different from other animals? Animals have different characters and tendencies and are at different levels of evolution, just like humans.
Understanding arises that all are part of one body of creation. The human being is the caretaker of the kingdom, and should take care of all beings as not essentially different or separate from self. In the natural order of things, one things feeds on another in symbiotic creation, preservation and dissolution.
The power of deer medicine is unconditional love. It brings purity of purpose, gentleness, caring, kindness and sensitivity, inner and outer awareness.
You may have the need to nurture yourself better, physically, mentally and/or emotionally. Once you understand how to nurture yourself, you will be able to pass this gift on to others, unconditionally.
We are often afraid to ‘give too much’, in fear that we will replete our own inner resources. Once we understand how to tap into cosmic nurturance, the limitless gift of the Dakini Nurtura, we will be able to truly give, realizing that as we offer our nurturing energy, we make space to receive more from the goddess.
Do you have any kind of eating disorder? Is it due, at least in part, to not feeling really nurtured?
In these days of modern farming and food production methods it is challenging to think that what we take into our bodies can often be harming us too…Take care to be aware of what you are putting into your being and try to bring attention to it.
Promote and endorse compassionate farming wherever possible, for the sake of the animals and for your own sake. An animal’s fear is like a toxic injection into what becomes your food. Its time to lose our addiction to flesh, Nurtura suggests. Not to abandon it completely, for all creatures in nature feed on each other, but to make it occasional rather than a daily obsession. On so many levels, this obsession just is not practical and sustainable for the planet, or for our collective heath, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

If we would really open our hearts to what’s going on, we just couldn’t bear it...All those beautiful sentient beings treated as if they had no consciousness or feelings…
But to open our hearts is the only real choice for the nurturance of the planet, says Nurtura. A decision not to do a ‘heart by-pass’, but to stay centered in the heart and in connection with the heart of creation.
Do you have a healthy relationship with food and what nurtures your body? Do you have feelings that you can never really get enough to fill the void inside, or that you don’t know the balance of when to stop or what you need? Pass the decision on to the Goddess. A useful tool is a pendulum.* (How to use a Pendulum , Appendix). Ask it to guide you when you have doubts and questions about what or how much you should eat. Let your higher self guide you. How are you nurtured by nature? Our connection with animals, our pets, helps to nurture us.
An animal has a special message for you.
You have a special duty to perform, a gift to give, to a furry friend. Practices
1 Offer random acts of kindness to animals you may encounter. Loving gestures to animals and other living things. Save a fly. Talk to a dog. Create an animal spirit friend (remembering those you met in Nurtura’s portal - perhaps you will be assigned one), bring them into your mindsky and receive what they have to transmit.

2 See how you can nurture others more, nurture yourself more, and all things dear to you. See all things as dear to you, all part of our family of life.
Find ways to nurture yourself, those around you and the creatures of the world in which you live, in meaningful ways.

1 Nurtura requests of you that you meditate on the animals, bring their sufferings to mind. Do not shy away from them and, psychically and spiritually, send them your love, your blessings, your wishes for them to be nurtured and sustained. Put your heart into it. Really feel it. Bring images of the beautiful creatures of this planet to mind and feel how much you love, appreciate and cherish them and how much you would miss them if they were gone. Wish them well in every way, pray for their survival and safekeeping. This focused intention is a real energy. The effects may not be visible to you, but the collective power of such intention can shift consciousness and bring about positive change.
Animals are telepathic. Nurtura is asking you to help re establish the web of connection between the families of animals and humans.

2 Make an offering of food to Nurtura. Prepare a special meal and offer the first portion to Nurtura. The essence of such offering is that you do not partake of the offering before it is offered. This means not tasting the food before you serve it. This may seem strange and difficult to those accustomed to tasting to tell if it is OK. However it is a common practice in the yogic approach to food and, if you do this as a practice, you will be surprised how you can soon begin to know without tasting. You can give the food to Nurtura by offering it into the fire whilst dedicating it to her, or you could put it in a place where animals and birds could eat it on her behalf. It need only be a small portion because it is the essence, the ‘ras’, that you are offering her.

If you have any kind of eating disorder, this practice and mentally offering the food to Nurtura can help heal you by bringing the sacredness of nourishment into focus. Once you remember that it is the body of the Goddess herself that feeds you, natural balance has a good chance to be restored.

3 Make some adjustment to your eating habits and rituals that are in alignment with Nutrura’s transmission.

Dakini Transmission I give of myself Unconditionally Because I have
All love to give
I just want to keep on Giving
My beloveds Keep on living…
I am all nurturing Because I am connected To the source within That nurtures me
I love all creatures As part of myself
I am their caretaker

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