"Hiding -- How Dare You"

(Man yelling) How Dare You
Anger, always associated with as a negative emotion. We are taught to muzzle our anger because it’s impolite, immature, barbaric, problematic. How dare you. How dare you dismiss our feelings. How dare you tell us we are crazy and over reacting when you don't know what we have been through. You fail to recognise that for some of us, we cope by yelling, smashing, hurting others. When all those thoughts, all those experiences are placed in a small container that cannot contain it, we explode. We are reaching out for help yet we are villainized, but the second you realize that villains are the victims, the ones that everyone turned their back on when we needed you most, maybe then you will see that yes we are screaming but we are screaming for help. How dare you.

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