Equipped | Équipé , 2021
24 x 36 in (h x w)
Acrylic on canvas

Artist Statement
This abstract piece has a lot to say. The reward of receiving and seeking the safe care resources of the team/care partners identified earlier equips the infant for a life of resiliency. The braid of all three partners communicates how one is enveloped by another throughout their early childhood journey. Mother and child are interwoven into the fabric of a supportive community. This strengthens the infant, who will become a child equipped to handle the stresses they may face.

My name is Kaitlyn Hebert. I am a mother of four children, which is why I chose to submit 4 pieces. I am a health professional and currently work for a Saskatchewan based health tech company called Lumeca Health. I came out of my maternity leave with my fourth child to support our business and help others get access to the care they needed as resources were being restricted. I’ve experienced resources being withdrawn for well baby care and maternal wellness. Art is something I do as a hobby that heals my soul and helps me be a better person, so that I can be a better mother.

This submission is a personal care project that I created this evening, September 1st, 2021. The project uses soft, warm and harmonized colours that recognizes each as a unique partner in maternal and infant care. The gold is the care team that supports the mother and child, be it health care, social care, other women, family and partners. The pink is the mother. The teal is the infant. The grey represents stress, tension and the unknown that the mother and infant may face.

Each one of these pieces speaks of the journey that I took while carrying, delivering, nurturing and raising my children and how carers have supported this journey and the value they bring at each part of that journey.

Exposé par :

heART of healthCARE

Plus de heART of healthCARE

Solitude II , 2021
36 x 30 in (h x w)
Acrylic and oil on canvas
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Solitude I , 2021
30 x 30 in (h x w)
Acrylic and oil on canvas
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Unbroken Moments of Natural Beings | Moments ininterrompus d’êtres naturels
h = 48 in
Mixed media
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NICU | USIN , 2018
h = 48 in
Digital photograph
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We will just have to adapt | Nous devrons simplement nous adapter
h = 36 in
Mixed media
heART of healthCARE