A Tale Beyond Bins , 2024

A Tale Beyond Bins is not just a project; it's a revelation of how waste mishandling quietly seeped into the fabric of Nigeria's daily life. It's the narrative of pollution sculpting our world, prompting reflections on the days we learned to dispose of waste in rivers and streams—a wish that correction had come sooner. In the quietness of unspoken words about pollution, a hidden language of nature emerges. It's as if nature whispers secrets, and I'm here to unveil them for all to behold. A journey where questions echo. What does pollution sound like? It's a symphony of nature's tunes interwoven with the thoughts of people—a melody and contemplation waiting to be explored. "A Tale Beyond Bins" invites you to decipher this artistic narrative, where the unnoticed becomes seen and the unspoken finds its voice.
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Some video sources: Videvo.net

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AI + Words , 2023
AI tool which generates images from words. This reflects how a non living thing describes emotions and life.
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360 x 720 cm (h x w)
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