Respire ! Dire la chute c'est déjà rester debout , 2023
210 x 153 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
5200 EUR
Mixed Technique on Paper
for sale

In this thought-provoking composition, a group of young men is depicted in a hunched posture, symbolizing the weight of societal burdens and challenges. The artist’s deliberate choice of this stance suggests a shared experience of struggle and resilience, echoing the broader narrative of the human condition in a complex and interconnected world.

The backdrop of the world map, adorned with words such as “existence,” “carte” (map), and “soi” (self), introduces a layer of symbolism and intellectual engagement. The use of mixed media on paper allows for a dynamic interplay of textures and elements, enhancing the visual impact of the artwork.

Teixeira’s work is overtly political, inviting viewers to contemplate the implications of globalized existence on individual and collective identity. The juxtaposition of the individual figures against the map raises questions about the relationship between personal struggles and the broader geopolitical context. The title, “Respire ! Dire la chute c’est déjà rester debout” (Breathe! To speak of the fall is already to stand), adds a poetic dimension, encouraging reflection on resilience in the face of adversity.

The artist’s commitment to addressing socio-political issues is evident in the deliberate composition and thematic depth of the artwork. “Respire !” serves as a call to action, urging individuals to navigate the challenges of contemporary existence with fortitude and self-awareness.

Exposé par :

Our Exhibition

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