Vision Design Concept: Hell Visions , 2023
150 x 150 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Graphic Design

Vision Design Concept: Hell Visions

Thank you for taking the time to read through this.
I'm still designing and working on what Visions came through.

Here's what happened:

I was shown 5 nights of reoccurring Visions to a place I was beginning to realise was Hell.

Year 2023

Since I'm alive talking about it, you can also describe it as the Psychological State of Hell.

How do you tell the difference?

When I came back from drinking Ayahuasca, I arrived back to the UK.

After 2 weeks,

The first night,

I was fast asleep.

At the end of my bed was a mirror.

I woke up in a Visionary State.
This was the first time I've ever seen a Demon.

In my mirror, I was sat upright in my bed, looking at me.

My head turned around to the back of my body as a Demon's head appeared to take the place of my head.

The Demon was a dusty glowing orange in a kind of infrared spectrum as the rest of the room was black at night,

As the Demons head turned around on my body,
The face of a Clock appeared to take it's place.

The Demons face turned around again,

After what was being shown to me, my head turned back facing the mirror.

This was the first night.

I woke up in the morning inspired yet deep in thought.
As this was my first time seeing something of that nature.

The detail of intricacy around the Demon was so strong.
I didn't know that was even possible.

How I read that vision?

A kind of "Time to show you something"

The other connection I've read in sync with what's happening in the world is I started seeing conflict rising through out the world while I was going through these experiences.

This is why I was holding back sharing on social media.

There was a Wave of the religions making a move.
I was observing this through Tiktok and other apps.

Out of everything rising, the last thing I wanted to do was fuel it.

There's a lot of people pushing there agendas without even being conscious to what their even doing.

I don't have a problem with religion and how people come together through their faiths, I just don't like being bullied into one & I don't like the lack of education between the politics & the religions.

All I see is to many arguments, fingers pointing, division and confusion.

What I did predict to myself was seeing people starting to make a conscious effort to communicate effectively to educate each other, Then I watched the same wave come through social media.

There's many people talking absolute bullsh*t.


I was learning to sit with what I was being shown.
While recovering to what I felt in those experiences.

I went through 5 nights of this alone, without anyone.

• What I could see was levels of Passage ways.
• What I realised, I was being shown lessons.
• When you come back out of those visionary states, you feel it.

• That's when I was able to see where I needed to work on where to heal myself.

• I was being shown where the deep work was.
• When your there you feel it as a sense of eternity.

Night 2.
I was in my bed, I woke up in a visionary state.

This eternal dark black and orange endless desert, a waste land with an endless wind came through.

I was on in the middle of this desert, on the floor with my face in the sand as the sand blew over me.

Where I could barely lift my head up.

Around me were shards of lightening in the distances coming down from a sky of an apocalyptic atmosphere.

The feelings I was holding on to in that state was a heavy amount of Betrayal & Abandonment.

That's what I was being shown.

Night 3.
I went into the living room to sleep on the sofa,
Wasn't feeling to great.

As I fell asleep, this Dark Matter of black distortion came through an orange infrared landscape where the same returning apocalyptic skies.

A man with many deceptive faces appeared in front of me that came out of a black distortion.

Stuttering in motion as the sense of time had become much more eternal.
As he was waiting for me to become more aware,

What I felt was no control and that it was time for me to begin.

He moved away from me as I looked deeper into his face,

As though I was being tested.

As he moved around,
this black distortion around him shuttered,
leaving delays of motion in distortions through the time and space.

Each face was deceptive, always changing.
I watched him trying to move away from me.

The more I looked into his face, the more another face would appear.
Many facial expressions moving in and out of this black distortion.

He was trying to make me trust him.

The way I look back on this vision is one I'm not sure how to interpret.
There's things I just don't know.

Maybe something to do with trust.

Night 3
After the previous nights, I started to pay attention to these repeating patterns.

These type of visions just burn in.

The intensity was very strong.

Every night & morning I woke up exhausted, dehydrated, some migraines and no one to share it with.

I just learned to sit with this.

I felt it as a challenge to overcome mentally & physically through these states of vulnerability.

While the wounds were open to what I was being shown,
I found myself ordering some organic sulphur to mix in water with lemon to clear out anything while I was going in between the states.

Every day I woke up, I went straight functional movements in stretching & yoga.
Just to breathe through instead of overthinking.

I felt these as experiences.

How you respond to those mentally, all comes down to how well can you respond.

Night 4
Same setting,

At this point the sofa became my comfort zone.
No option, only to surrender to what I was being shown.
I wasn't sure how long these were going to last for.

This vision came on as I fell asleep,

There was a man frozen in Ice.

He was alive.

I could hear him suffering & panicking through his breathe.
The only movement he was able to do was eye movement.
His eyes were bloodshot and desperate.

He was looking at me unable to do anything.

The front of his face and one of his hands was out of the ice.

The rest of his body was bleeding through the ice.

Night 4

As I came back, there were demons on both sides of me, looking and curious to why I was here.
The scene on the movie Constantine with Keanu reeves is surprisingly identical to the cross over between the states.

I began burning these demons out of the room with these beams of light that were coming out of my hands.

The light pushed them around on the floor and out of the door.
Inside the light, I was watching these demons disintegrating.

In a place known for punishment.
This is why I believe there's a lot of things we don't understand.

I can see the space of punishment in a place like that,
yet, just like anything, I think the only way to know is when you go and come back.

That's the only point of context you come from is through the experience.

What happens after we finish this lifetime?

I believe what the soul has gone through and the intention of actions is what weighs the spirit.

Because when I went,
I was shown lessons on a place that was able to hold that space for things that have also been lost.
A space where areas of the self have not been nurtured.

How conscious I am of those experiences and how well I connect those Visions to areas of my life all comes down to how much I was paying attention.

Again, there's a lot of things we don't understand.
Thus, in the state of being alive, is the only point of experience I can only talk from.

After our time here, there's only one way to know and that's when the times up.

Night 5
This night,
There was a Demon with what looked like the body of a Locus, lead on top on someone that I love.

How I read that?
This is someone who I'm about to lose.

Ever since, I grind day and night.

As I moved through the vision,
I able to look through my surroundings as I felt a moment of navigation.

The floors and walls were made of flesh, organs and blood.

I moved through the passage way where what I saw in the distance were these dysmorphic, giant glutenous demons made of bulging flesh.

As they walked around, dragging bodies in their hands, they were guarding a gateway.

The feeling was to avoid eye contact and keep moving.

I was hiding behind some kind of object in the area I was moving through. I was waiting to make a move.
No idea why this was happening, it was intense and I had no choice other than to go.

That's my observation on what I was able to see in this passage way.

The more I was able to navigate, the more I was being shown how to leave.

Ever since , I haven't returned.
I was told I was just visiting and that was a voice that came through in my sleep states.

These were the last visions I saw of that place.
From then on, my Visions were unexpected.

Feel free to read the Vision of the Parallel Reality & Native Contact. These were the Visions that came on after I went through Hell.

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