Paloma Ausente , 2016
214 x 280 cm (h x w)

This piece was created in memory of the victims of the Pinochet dictatorship. The work of art was created by cutting the shape of doves out of squares of fabric leaving empty spaces in the cloth. These represent the absence of each one of the victims but united in this way they form a large dove which represents memory. The art work represents the way that the people who are missing continue to be present. That what is missing in the piece, continues to be present. This arpillera is taken on protests and the relatives of the disappeared have been embroidering the names of their lost loved ones onto it. The arpillera was originally collectively created for a commemorative event on the 11th September 2016. The Pinochet dictatorship took power in a coup de etat on the 11th September 1973.

Esta pieza se elaboró en memoria de las víctimas de la dictadura de Pinochet. La imagen está compuesta de palomas recortadas que dejan un espacio vacío en la tela. Esto representa la ausencia de cada una de las víctimas, pero al estar unidas, forman una gran paloma que representa la memoria, expresando así, que aquello que no está, en realidad si continúa estando presente. La pieza es llevada a las manifestaciones y los familiares han ido bordando el nombre de sus parientes caídos. La arpillera se confeccionó colectivamente para la conmemoración del 11 de Septiembre del año 2016.

Exposé par :

Lorna Dillon

Plus de Lorna Dillon

Canto con todos , 2019
235 x 146 cm (h x w)
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Yo decido… , 2017
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Abya Yala Feminista , 2018
200 x 280 cm (h x w)
appliqué and embroidery with extra textual embellishments
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'En stock' ¿Quién los protege? - ´In Stock´. Who protects them? , 2017
140 x 210 cm (h x w)
Embroidery, applique and arpillera dolls on fabric
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Memorarte Arpilleras Urbanas
Lorna Dillon