There is a Pattern | Il y a un motif , 2012
16 x 16 in (h x w)
Mixed media on paper

This work was created during a productive phase in my art practice where I intently explored
psychological roadblocks to my wellbeing. It was a period of deep investigation which included daily journaling, art practice, reading, and listening to others who had already gone through challenging personal journeys. My time in the studio was a way to self-reflect and process complicated feelings. I drew strength from the creative process and was inspired by the visual confluence of colour, pattern, texture, shapes, and the messages that emerged.

Laura Bucci is an interdisciplinary artist working with interventions, textiles, printed matter, and
participatory installations. Her work explores issues of loneliness and belonging and mostly manifests itself in attempts to disrupt the everyday and to make connections with the public through planned and chance encounters. She has shown in Vancouver at community galleries and artist run spaces and recently in Nova Scotia. She is currently trying to find the right manifestation to express the uncertainty of these times while living as an uninvited guest on unceded Coast Salish Territory in Vancouver, Canada.

Exposé par :

heART of healthCARE

Plus de heART of healthCARE

Solitude II , 2021
36 x 30 in (h x w)
Acrylic and oil on canvas
heART of healthCARE
Solitude I , 2021
30 x 30 in (h x w)
Acrylic and oil on canvas
heART of healthCARE
Unbroken Moments of Natural Beings | Moments ininterrompus d’êtres naturels
h = 48 in
Mixed media
heART of healthCARE
NICU | USIN , 2018
h = 48 in
Digital photograph
heART of healthCARE
We will just have to adapt | Nous devrons simplement nous adapter
h = 36 in
Mixed media
heART of healthCARE