The MyMedRec App Song | La chanson de l'application MyMedRec
13.2 x 34 in (h x w)
Audio Recording

Last year in 2020, we had the opportunity to present our pitch to SKIP's Call for Innovation. SKIP is a non-profit organization to help develop evidence based Solutions for Kids in Pain in Canada. We shared with them the MyMedRec App, which is an app developed by ISMP Canada to help people, include kids with chronic pain, keep their medical information and their list of their medications and immunizations on their mobile device. We developed this app with help from CPSI along with many partners. It is a way for patients to keep track of changes to their medications and easily communicate their up-to-date medication list to their health care provider to help prevent medication errors at transitions of care.
We wrote this song to help engage patients, families and health care providers in a fun and catchy way to share this innovation.

Bita is a PharmD candidate from the University of Toronto who is particularly interested in exploring the ways that technology can be used for the enhancement of patient care. During her free time, Bita loves travelling, reading, and exploring her creative side by writing her own version of playful lyrics to songs.

Alice Watt is a senior medication safety specialist with the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada). Alice has over 20 years of experience in community and acute care settings as pharmacist and is passionate about engaging patients and healthcare practitioners in safe medication practices.

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heART of healthCARE

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