ESGCP Polluter of Science Award 2021
h = 200, d = 2 cm

The Polluter of Science Award is recognised as the leading impact award in climate denialism and continues to build on its reputation for highlighting the world’s most environmentally devastating research. This is research that often utilizes dubious methodologies dubbed as scientific, demonstrates researcher bias/ opinion rather than fact and lacks scientific rigor amongst other issues.
The award is designed to generate political and social currency, actively addressing cultural power structures rather than representing them or simply describing them.
The Award is given to the researcher that the panel of esteemed academic judges unanimously agree provides the most damaging insights into modern sustainability issues, including management, finance and economics.

The professors utilised the mock award technique and the overjustification effect, to enlighten the public about climate denialism and research contributions that have accercabated it. In our own words, “science” based pollution.

We hope for a discussion in favor of sustainability.
How far can sustainability activism provoke with criminal elements before crossing the boundary? Where should the lines be drawn when we fight for the survival of mankind and the very life of the planet?
Perhaps there could be an argument that the end justifies the means. Yet, the means could well present an ethical dilemma…

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Art Thinking Network

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