I’m not my resume (2/3) , 2023
h = 80, d = 2 cm

A person is beyond his resume. Talent must be cultivated or you risk hiring a Star for another job. This work question about the importance of talent management and how delicate this can be in the modern world. Automated tools and algorithms supporting recruitment are becoming more and more sophisticated and precise, they are keyword-based and aim to find the perfect match. Human resource office has a huge job. Unfortunately, sometimes this is not enough, a greater effort needs to be made to understand the deeper meaning of the unwritten, to understand that before a candidate there is a person, a human being with unexpressed potential ready to blossom.
An image and icon of modern times, inserted into a standard and at first sight anonymous resume, can make one realise how fragile the current process can be and how unique opportunities can be missed. Soft skills are sometimes crucial and more important than past experience, especially in young people who want and need to fulfil their potential.
We owe it to our children. Can we afford not to be careful in identifying and cultivating our talents?

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Art Thinking Network

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