Pumpkins , 1998-2000
110 x 165 cm (h x w)
Mixed media, 6 pieces

Sculptures employing one of Kusama's most well-known motifs, yellow pumpkins with a black dotted pattern

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Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)

Mehr von Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)

清乾隆粉彩勾莲纹天球瓶 , The Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty (清代乾隆年间)
h = 120 cm
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Acrobat Family , 1905
104 x 75 cm (h x w)
Watercolour, Painting
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Sir William Hamilton , 1775
226 x 180 cm (h x w)
Oil on canvas
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
Portait d'Henri IV en Mars , 1605-1606
186 x 135 cm (h x w)
Oil on canvas
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)