Ricci, Matteo; Guangqi Xu (trans.). Jihe yuanben (Elements, 6 juan). 利瑪竇口譯,[明]徐光啟筆受,《幾何原本》(六卷) , 1849
h = 50, d = 50 cm

Panyu: Panshi Haishan Xianguan, (1849).

The Chinese translation of Euclid’s Element by Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi.

Mehr von Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Martino Martini, Sinicae historiae decas prima. 衛匡國《中國上古史》 , 1659
h = 70 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Mason, George Henry. The punishments of China. 喬治﹒亨利 ﹒梅森《中國刑罰》 , 1801
h = 70 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Henry Mason, George (ed.). The costume of China. 喬治﹒亨利 ﹒梅森編《中國服飾》 , 1800
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Chambers, William. Traité des édifices, meubles, habits, machines et ustensiles des Chinois.錢伯斯《中國建築、傢俱、服裝和器物設計》 , 1776
h = 100 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Scamozzi, Vincenzo. L'idea della architettura universale.文森佐﹒斯卡莫齊《普遍建築理念》 , 1615
h = 80 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library