Invisible Pollution , 2023
150 x 150 x 2 cm (h x w x d)

In a world that once saw digital innovation as a hope for sustainability, we find ourselves blindfolded to its impact. As we wander through the 21st century, it becomes clear that the very technology we hoped would save us is now endangering our planet. Digitalization promises a more efficient use of resources, a paperless future and reduced energy consumption. We revered technology as a means to evolve, innovate and grow, unaware of the insidious invisible threat to sustainability.
In fact, streaming online content accounts for 58-60% of internet traffic and generates 300 million tonnes of CO2 a year (Shift Project - Capgemini). To illustrate, 1 tonne of CO2 is equivalent to the average emission generated by one passenger on a return flight from Paris to New York. To raise awareness about digital pollution, The Black Shadows will be clapping hands each time someone interacts with their digital device and making the invisible pollution hearable and visible.
Can we envision a future where our devices not only connect us but also harmonize with the environment, fostering a sustainable coexistence?

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Art Thinking Network

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