La Mer , 2023
150 x 150 x 2 cm (h x w x d)
Digital print and website

40% of the ocean surface is covered by plastic waste. The Great Pacific garbage patch is the size of Texas state and continues to grow. But we say let it grow!

Research conducted shows essential oils can be extracted from organic waste. When broken down to its raw molecules, plastic and rubber contain abundant amounts of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and zinc; all of which amount to a large part of the composition of skin care products. This dialogue changes how one looks at waste.

In the world of tomorrow, where we have the means and materials, we envision a future where trash is a conscious part of your lifestyle. The art portrays an idealistic scenario where the trash from the ocean can be cycled into lifestyle products as enhancers. Challenging the construct of waste being wasteful, the authors came up with the solution of turning waste into wealth.

Why worry about the turtles when you have glowing skin.

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Art Thinking Network

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