150 x 150 cm (h x w)

We’ve known for years what is at stake with the environmental concerns. During the COVID-19 outbreak, airline companies have kept planes flying empty to keep their air corridors open. One airline flew 18,000 empty planes. And after irreversibly damaging the environment, those same airline companies offer to add a few euros when buying a ticket to plant trees and help the environment. It would take at least a year and 540 000 trees to offset the carbon footprint of these unnecessary flights. What little sense this makes!
Here is a greenhouse plane in the simplest of ways, the cabin has become a flying botanical garden, and the plane is a natural element while destroying nature. With this absurd representation of a not-so-green house, we want to show the inconsistency of the airline companies’ ways and the catastrophic impact they have on our earth. A not so greenhouse, being a greenhouse gas producer.

Exhibited by:

Art Thinking Network

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