Lips , 2000
104.8 x 237 cm (h x w)
oil on canvas

The theme of this painting features food, fashion, and fun. Working from computer-scanned reproductions taken from the media and personal photographs, Koons combines familiar yet sometimes unrelated images to create collage-like paintings rendered with photo-realist perfection.

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尤金·馬奈和他的女兒在布吉瓦爾 Eugene Manet and His Daughter in the Garden of Bougiva , 1881
73 x 92 cm (h x w)
油彩布本 Oil on canvas
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天文課 The Astronomy Lesson , 2007
48.3 x 61 cm (h x w)
油彩布本 Oil on canvas
Virtual Gallery (
Schoolgirls learn cookery , 1957
34.1 x 44.1 cm (h x w)
攝影作品 Photography
Virtual Gallery (
奧運系列—劍擊 Olympic series, fencing , 1983
平面印刷 Lithography
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