The Godfather
21 x 15 in (h x w)

Artist Biography
Founded by Jose Luis Lanzagorta, Begiaundi Press is a letterpress printing workshop for graphic experimentation and research producing limited print editions on a typographic press using both lead and wood movable type, as well as other materials including everything from linoleum, MDF, plexiglass, and cardboard to espadrille soles, coins, and cars!

‘Begiaundi’ in Basque means ‘big eye’, and names a large squid which protects itself by expelling its own ink.

Description of Process
The scene I most remember from The Godfather is the one where Sonny's car is machine-gunned with thousands of bullets at a speedway turnpike. This poster is a typographic representation of that scene. It is part of the series Movie Prints, a limited edition of 25 prints that interpret in a typographic key some of my favorite films.

Process: I took a cardboard sheet, punched it with scissors, inked it with silver ink, and used it as a block to print it on black paper. The main actors and actresses were printed with metal type and gold ink in a second print-run.

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