Sweet Refreshment
19 x 12.5 in (h x w)

Artist Biography
Jessica Greenfield is an artist and graphic designer, working fluidly across the threshold between the two. Her work explores the expressive capacity of human gesture, building intimate relationships with physical materials, and collaborating with the more-than-human world.

Jessica is currently an Assistant Professor at Appalachian State University where she teaches an embodied approach to graphic design, encouraging students to work with their hands through sketching, collage, drawing, and printmaking. She has also taught at the Rhode Island School of Design, Arizona State University, and UCLA Extension. Previous to joining the Appalachian State faculty, Jessica accrued over 10 years of professional experience focused on branding and publication design as Senior Graphic Designer at both RIOS and Hillstone Restaurant Group. She holds an MFA in Graphic Design from the Rhode Island School of Design and a BFA in Painting and Printmaking from Carnegie Mellon University.

Description of Process
Sweet Refreshment comprises a portfolio of six prints exploring the relationship between the oak tree and the shothole leafminer fly. The five primary prints were pressure printed from found oak leaves containing holes made by the leafminer. These are finished with hand set lead type showing the species name of each oak. The title page includes hand set wood and lead type, found ornaments, and individually cut holes. The entire piece was printed on a Vandercook #4 at Penland School of Craft.

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