150 x 150 x 2 cm (h x w x d)

Throughout history, women's sexuality has been systematically and culturally controlled, vilified, and commodified. "Come Again" is a bold statement that reflects on the objectification and sexualization of women while simultaneously placing them within a cage of societal expectations. It spotlights the stark disparity and double standard between the glorification of male sexuality and the suppression of female desires.The groundbreaking research of psychologists William Masters and Virginia Johnson revealed the vast, untapped potential of female pleasure and yet man went to the moon before the clitoris was studied. Female sexual desire is still equated to immorality to the extent that communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America still surgically excise female organs of pleasure, restricting young girls from their own sexuality.

This art piece confronts these oppressive forces head-on. As the voices of judgment and slut-shaming attempt to drown out the authentic expressions of female pleasure, 'Come Again' boldly asserts that women will no longer be silenced or shamed. The moans of pleasure that eventually overpower the demeaning voices serve as a powerful metaphor. They represent the reclamation of our bodies, desires, and voices. In 'Come Again,' we witness the resurgence of female autonomy, the dismantling of antiquated norms, and the celebration of unapologetic pleasure.

Exhibited by:

Art Thinking Network

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