Taste The Music , 2023
150 x 150 x 2 cm (h x w x d)
Immersive experimental art

More than 1/4th of millenials always eat while watching TV. The number is even bigger in Gen Z (30%). There is research showing that watching television directly impacts our food intake and even our sensitivity to hunger and satiety cues - AKA over eating and under-enjoying. Excessive use of social media, and our constantly dwindling attention span makes things worse. As our obsessive urge to document and post our hyperactive lives intensifies, our capacity to pause, engage our senses, and truly live in the present diminishes.

Today, we are using the concept of synesthesia to create a unique experience for our audience. This installation delves into the fascinating relationship between music and taste, spotlighting the profound impact of auditory elements on our culinary experiences. Inspired by the broader idea of savoring life's fleeting moments and grounding oneself in the present, taking every moment in. Through this installation, we encourage people to think about how they can create unique experiences by using different senses in circumstances where they usually might not be their first choice.

We challenge participants to focus on what they are feeling with each type of music, explore different ambiences, while embracing the now and engaging with food. How would the way you experience life change if you focused on pairing senses that aren’t typically combined? What would it be like to truly focus on enjoying the moment/activity, without the compulsion of posting it online or the pressure of doing something better, something more? How can this experience impact the way you perceive life?

Bon Appetit!

Exhibited by:

Art Thinking Network

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