PORTRAIT Honorable mention

This portrait is not a faithful realistic representation - depiction of the particular features of a female face. It is not even the individual portrait of a woman. It is the group portrait of all abused women who suffer domestic violence, all those who unfortunately experienced femicide. That was the intention.
It is the portrait of fear that collides with the female will to resist, to react, to speak, to break her silence. The conflict between the desire for freedom - independence and the commitments arising from problematic relationships and social conventions. The indelible right to choose between love and fear. It is the portrait of the unequal war behind closed doors, the battle to break down the stereotyped cells that the seasonal standards dictate.
It is the aesthetic approach of the visual language to talk about what the image hints at, which has the greatest interest, than what the photograph itself depicts. To speak of things that cannot be seen that closed lips dare not say but the eyes bear witness to. Because only photography has this ability to say much more than it shows.

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