The Empress

The Empress and The High Priestess represent two differing, yet compatible aspects of femininity. In symbolic terms, “feminine” energy is in our ability to receive and surrender. This doesn’t mean that all women fully embody these qualities. On the contrary, feminine energy is something that is inside of every human, and these two Tarot cards help us to understand it better.

The Empress represents the earthly realm of femininity; the buzzing potential of the fertile earth, just waiting to spring forth in bloom, and the ability for us to receive it through nurturance and the experience of pleasure. The High Priestess, on the other hand, represents the psychic aspects of the feminine. Her domain is the intuitive field and the subconscious mind. She allows access to the wisdom that we receive in stillness and meditation, and our experience of ethereal, intangible aspects of life.

Exhibited by:

Goddessarts Gallery

Other works by Hannah Freitag

The High Priestess
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The Hanged Man
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