空氣泵中的鳥實驗 An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump , 1768
244 x 183 cm (h x w)
油彩布本 Oil on canvas

國家美術館藏品 | Collection of National Gallery

This work depicts a scene where a lecturer, surrounded by his audience, is performing an experiment on a bird in an air pump. The experiment is conducted in a candlelit room at night. A white cockatoo is put in a glass container in which air is pumped out to generate a vacuum. Is the lecturer emptying the air in the container, leaving the bird suffocated? Or, is he refilling the container with air to keep the bird alive? In this work, Wright is experimenting with changing colours when objects move away from the source of light. In the picture, the lecturer is clad in a glamorous rosy gown embroidered with arabesque. The picture captures the gradation of colour shown in the rosy gown, turning from reddish orange when lit up by the candle to magenta in the shade. Also, the dresses of the girls change from pale purple to darker purple and eventually blend in with the darkness.
The little girls, represented as the brightest characters in the scene, are the ones with the most radical reactions to the fate of the bird. On the surface of the table, we can see reflections of objects around the room. For example, on the surface of the container with translucent amber liquid inside, we can see the reflections of the little girls’ arms, with shadows vaguely appearing on the wall. In the candlelit room, the area under the table is the mysterious place the light can’t reach, where all colours and forms vanish into the darkness. The dramatic use of light and darkness, evoking the theme of life and death, is representative of Wright's works.

Plus de Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)

石濤墨荷圖軸 Ink Lotus , 清代 Qing dynasty
90.6 x 50.6 cm (h x w)
紙本 ,墨筆 Ink on paper; hanging scroll
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
一生榮華水漂浮 A Floating Life of Worldly Glory , 2010
油畫 Oil painting
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
80 x 160 cm (h x w)
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
20 x 80 cm (h x w)
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)
You Got More Than Me , 2011
150 x 102 cm (h x w)
版畫 Print
Virtual Gallery (eduhk.hk)