Celsus, Aulus Cornelius. Avrelii Cornelii Celsi Medicinae liber primvs incipit. 凱爾蘇斯《醫術》 , 1493
h = 80 cm

Celsus, Aulus Cornelius. Avrelii Cornelii Celsi Medicinae liber primvs incipit. Venetiis: J. Rubeus, 1493.
威尼斯:J. Rubeus,1493

The book is regarded as one of the finest medical classics from the Roman Age. As one of the most widely circulated texts of the period, the book gives a detailed account of medicine and surgery in eight volumes. This incunabulum, printed in 1493, exemplifies the transition from manuscript to printed text as spaces were left for illustrated initial letters to be added later.


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