Between White Lines , 2024
analog photography

The mistaken idea about Colombia
spreads globally, like a cancer that
forgives neither the past nor
discriminates between the corrupt
and the innocent. The condemnation
of migrating from my country is to
arrive in a foreign land and, upon
mentioning our nationality, to be
immediately associated with the word
A substance traded for entertainment,
distributed in grams of energy and
euphoria. But it condemns bodies to
violence and injustice. We have been
sold to the rest of the world and
packaged under an ignorant and
discriminatory vision.

Plus de What I Always Wanted To Say

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video, film
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untitled , 2023
h = 30 cm
What I Always Wanted To Say
untitled , 2023
h = 30 cm
digital photography
What I Always Wanted To Say
untitled , 2023
h = 30 cm
Digital Photography
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I can hear this image , 2024
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What I Always Wanted To Say